Mac Magazin/MacEasy 19
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 19.iso
Wissenschaft & Technik
WASTE 1.2a5 Distribution
WASTE 1.2a5
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628 lines
* WEInlineInput.c
* Inline Input Support
* Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Marco Piovanelli
* All Rights Reserved
* C port by Dan Crevier
#include "WASTEIntf.h"
// static variables
static AEEventHandlerUPP _weUpdateActiveInputAreaHandler = NULL;
static AEEventHandlerUPP _wePositionToOffsetHandler = NULL;
static AEEventHandlerUPP _weOffsetToPositionHandler = NULL;
pascal OSErr _WEHiliteRangeArray(TextRangeArrayHandle hTray, WEHandle hWE)
WEPtr pWE = *hWE; // assume WE record is already locked
TextRangePtr pRange;
long rangeStart, rangeEnd;
short hiliteStyle;
WETextStyle ts;
short rangeIndex;
Boolean saveTrayLock;
OSErr err;
// lock down the range array
saveTrayLock = _WESetHandleLock((Handle)hTray, true);
pRange = (*hTray)->fRange;
// walk the hilite range array
for (rangeIndex = (*hTray)->fNumOfRanges - 1; rangeIndex >= 0; rangeIndex-- )
// the offsets in the range array are relative to the beginning
// of the active input area: convert them to absolute offsets
rangeStart = pWE->tsmAreaStart + pRange->fStart;
rangeEnd = pWE->tsmAreaStart + pRange->fEnd;
hiliteStyle = pRange->fHiliteStyle;
// take the absolute value of hiliteStyle
hiliteStyle = ABS(hiliteStyle);
// if hiliteStyle is kCaretPosition, set the selection range
if (hiliteStyle == kCaretPosition)
pWE->selStart = rangeStart;
pWE->selEnd = rangeEnd;
hiliteStyle -= kRawText;
// otherwise set the WETextStyle flags of the specified range appropriately
if ((hiliteStyle >= 0) && (hiliteStyle <= 3))
ts.tsFlags = 0x10 + (hiliteStyle << tsTSMSelected);
if ((err = _WESetStyleRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, weDoFlags, &ts, hWE)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// go to next text range element
// clear result code
err = noErr;
// unlock the range array
_WESetHandleLock((Handle)hTray, saveTrayLock);
return err;
pascal OSErr _WEHandleUpdateActiveInputArea(const AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefCon)
#pragma unused(reply, handlerRefCon)
WEHandle hWE;
WEPtr pWE;
AEDesc text;
AEDesc hiliteTray;
TextRange pinRange;
long totalLength;
long fixLength;
long tsmOffset;
DescType returnedType;
long actualSize;
GrafPtr savePort;
WEActionHandle hAction;
Boolean saveAutoScroll;
Boolean saveTextLock;
Boolean saveWELock;
OSErr err;
// initialize descriptors to null values
text.descriptorType = typeNull;
text.dataHandle = NULL;
hiliteTray.descriptorType = typeNull;
hiliteTray.dataHandle = NULL;
// extract WE handle
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAETSMDocumentRefcon, typeLongInteger,
&returnedType, &hWE, sizeof(hWE), &actualSize)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// lock the WE handle
saveWELock = _WESetHandleLock((Handle) hWE, true);
pWE = *hWE;
// return an error code if this instance is read-only
err = weReadOnlyErr;
if (BTST(pWE->features, weFReadOnly))
goto cleanup;
// call the pre-update callback, if present
if (pWE->tsmPreUpdate != NULL)
CallWETSMPreUpdateProc(hWE, pWE->tsmPreUpdate);
// hide the caret if it's showing
if (BTST(pWE->flags, weFCaretVisible))
// extract the text descriptor
if ((err = AEGetParamDesc(ae, keyAETheData, typeChar, &text)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// get total length of text in the active input area
totalLength = GetHandleSize(text.dataHandle);
// extract the length of confirmed text in the active input area
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAEFixLength, typeLongInteger, &returnedType,
&fixLength, sizeof(fixLength), &actualSize)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// if fixLength = -1, all text is confirmed
if (fixLength == -1)
fixLength = totalLength;
// if there's currently no active input area, open one
if (pWE->tsmAreaStart == kInvalidOffset)
pWE->tsmAreaStart = pWE->selStart;
pWE->tsmAreaEnd = pWE->selEnd;
// are we tracking a typing sequence?
if (!WEIsTyping(hWE))
// nope; so start a new one
// increment modification count
// if undo support is enabled, the inline session just started may initiate
if (BTST(pWE->features, weFUndoSupport))
if (_WENewAction(pWE->selStart, pWE->selEnd, 0, weAKTyping, 0, hWE, &hAction) == noErr)
tsmOffset = pWE->tsmAreaStart;
// the new text replaces whatever is in the active input area
if ((err = _WEDeleteRange(tsmOffset, pWE->tsmAreaEnd, hWE)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// synchronize the null style, so font script matches the keyboard script
// set the port font for good measure
// temporarily lock the text
saveTextLock = _WESetHandleLock(text.dataHandle, true);
// insert the text
if ((err = _WEInsertText(tsmOffset, *(text.dataHandle), totalLength, hWE)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// unlock the text
_WESetHandleLock(text.dataHandle, saveTextLock);
// extract pin range
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAEPinRange, typeTextRange, &returnedType,
&pinRange, sizeof(pinRange), &actualSize)) == noErr)
// we want absolute offsets
pinRange.fStart += tsmOffset;
pinRange.fEnd += tsmOffset;
// a missing pin range descriptor isn't an error; everything else is
if (err != errAEDescNotFound)
goto cleanup;
// default pin range is active input area
pinRange.fStart = tsmOffset;
pinRange.fEnd = pWE->tsmAreaEnd;
// NOTE: if fixLength == totalLength, the inline input session is over, so, in theory,
// hiliteTray should either be missing or not specify any range to be underlined.
// Unfortunately, some input methods (like Apple's input method for Simplified Chinese)
// do specify kConvertedText (= thin black underline) for the whole text when
// the text is confirmed (is this a bug?). To work around this, we deliberately ignore
// the hiliteTray parameter when fixLength = totalLength.
if (fixLength != totalLength)
pWE->tsmAreaStart += fixLength; // added by Kiyoshi Gomasaki for ATOK compatibility
// extract the highlight range array
if ((err = AEGetParamDesc(ae, keyAEHiliteRange, typeTextRangeArray, &hiliteTray)) != noErr)
if (err != errAEDescNotFound)
goto cleanup;
if (hiliteTray.dataHandle != NULL)
if ((err = _WEHiliteRangeArray((TextRangeArrayHandle) hiliteTray.dataHandle, hWE)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
pWE->selStart = tsmOffset + fixLength;
pWE->selEnd = pWE->selStart;
// temporarily disable auto-scroll, as we need to scroll manually according to pinRange
saveAutoScroll = BTST(pWE->features, weFAutoScroll) ? true : false;
BCLR(pWE->features, weFAutoScroll);
// redraw the active input area
if ((err = _WERedraw(tsmOffset, tsmOffset + totalLength, hWE)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if (saveAutoScroll)
// re-enable auto-scroll
BSET(pWE->features, weFAutoScroll);
// scroll the pin range into view
if (!_WEScrollIntoView(pinRange.fStart, hWE))
if (pinRange.fStart != pinRange.fEnd)
_WEScrollIntoView(pinRange.fEnd, hWE);
// update the boundaries of the active input area
// if fixLength = totalLength, the inline input session is over: close the active input area
if (fixLength == totalLength)
pWE->tsmAreaStart = kInvalidOffset;
pWE->tsmAreaEnd = kInvalidOffset;
// adjust undo buffer (if any) for the confirmed text
_WEAdjustUndoRange(fixLength, hWE);
// otherwise, fixLength defines the boundaries of the active input area
pWE->tsmAreaStart = tsmOffset + fixLength;
pWE->tsmAreaEnd = tsmOffset + totalLength;
// call the post-update callback, if present
if (pWE->tsmPostUpdate != NULL)
CallWETSMPostUpdateProc(hWE, fixLength, pWE->tsmAreaStart, pWE->tsmAreaEnd,
pinRange.fStart, pinRange.fEnd, pWE->tsmPostUpdate);
// clear result code
err = noErr;
// clean up
// unlock the WE record
if (hWE !=NULL)
_WESetHandleLock((Handle) hWE, saveWELock);
// return result code
return err;
pascal OSErr _WEHandlePositionToOffset(const AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefCon)
#pragma unused(handlerRefCon)
WEHandle hWE;
WEPtr pWE;
Point position;
LongPt thePoint;
short regionClass;
long offset;
DescType returnedType;
long actualSize;
GrafPtr savePort;
char edge;
Boolean saveWELock;
OSErr err;
// extract WE handle
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAETSMDocumentRefcon, typeLongInteger,
&returnedType, &hWE, sizeof(hWE), &actualSize)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// lock the WE record
saveWELock = _WESetHandleLock((Handle) hWE, true);
pWE = *hWE;
// extract position parameter
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAECurrentPoint, typeQDPoint, &returnedType, &position, sizeof(position), &actualSize)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// convert position to local...
// ...and long coordinates
WEPointToLongPoint(position, &thePoint);
// find the byte offset and the edge value corresponding to the given position
offset = WEGetOffset(&thePoint, &edge, hWE);
// determine the region class
if (WELongPointInLongRect(&thePoint, &pWE->viewRect))
if (_WEOffsetInRange(offset, edge, pWE->tsmAreaStart, pWE->tsmAreaEnd))
regionClass = kTSMInsideOfActiveInputArea;
// if the given position is within the active input area, we're supposed to return
// an offset relative to the beginning of this area (thanks, Martin!)
offset -= pWE->tsmAreaStart;
// otherwise the offset is relative to the beginning of the body
regionClass = kTSMInsideOfBody;
regionClass = kTSMOutsideOfBody;
// add region class parameter to reply
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAERegionClass, typeShortInteger, ®ionClass, sizeof(regionClass))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// add offset parameter to reply
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAEOffset, typeLongInteger, &offset, sizeof(offset))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// add edge parameter to reply
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAELeftSide, typeBoolean, &edge, sizeof(edge))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// clear result code
err = noErr;
// unlock the WE record
if (hWE != NULL)
_WESetHandleLock((Handle) hWE, saveWELock);
// return result code
return err;
pascal OSErr _WEHandleOffsetToPosition(const AppleEvent *ae, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefCon)
#pragma unused(handlerRefCon)
WEHandle hWE;
WEPtr pWE;
long offset;
LongPt thePoint;
Point position;
short lineHeight;
DescType returnedType;
long actualSize;
GrafPtr savePort;
Boolean saveWELock;
OSErr err;
// extract WE handle
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAETSMDocumentRefcon, typeLongInteger,
&returnedType, &hWE, sizeof(hWE), &actualSize)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// lock the WE record
saveWELock = _WESetHandleLock((Handle) hWE, true);
pWE = *hWE;
// if there's no active input area, return errOffsetInvalid
err = errOffsetInvalid;
if (pWE->tsmAreaStart < 0)
goto cleanup;
// extract the offset parameter
if ((err = AEGetParamPtr(ae, keyAEOffset, typeLongInteger, &returnedType, &offset, sizeof(offset), &actualSize)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// offset is relative to the beginning of the active input area; we want an absolute offset
offset += pWE->tsmAreaStart;
// make sure the offset is within the input area
if ((offset < pWE->tsmAreaStart) || (offset >= pWE->tsmAreaEnd))
err = errOffsetInvalid;
goto cleanup;
// find the position corresponding to the given offset (in long coordinates)
WEGetPoint(offset, &thePoint, &lineHeight, hWE);
thePoint.v += lineHeight;
// make sure offset is within view rectangle
if (!WELongPointInLongRect(&thePoint, &pWE->viewRect))
err = errOffsetIsOutsideOfView;
goto cleanup;
// convert the point to short...
WELongPointToPoint(&thePoint, &position);
// ...and global coordinates
// add keyAEPoint parameter to the reply Apple event
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAEPoint, typeQDPoint,
&position, sizeof(position))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// add keyAETSMTextFont parameter to the reply Apple event
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAETSMTextFont, typeShortInteger,
&pWE->nullStyle.runStyle.tsFont, sizeof(pWE->nullStyle.runStyle.tsFont))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// add keyAETSMTextPointSize parameter to the reply Apple event
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAETSMTextPointSize, typeShortInteger,
&pWE->nullStyle.runStyle.tsSize, sizeof(pWE->nullStyle.runStyle.tsSize))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// add keyAETextLineAscent parameter to the reply Apple event
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAETextLineAscent, typeShortInteger,
&pWE->nullStyle.runAscent, sizeof(pWE->nullStyle.runAscent))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// add keyAETextLineHeight parameter to the reply Apple event
if ((err = AEPutParamPtr(reply, keyAETextLineHeight, typeShortInteger,
&pWE->nullStyle.runHeight, sizeof(pWE->nullStyle.runHeight))) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// clear result code
err = noErr;
// unlock the WE record
if (hWE != NULL)
_WESetHandleLock((Handle) hWE, saveWELock);
// return result code
return err;
pascal OSErr WEInstallTSMHandlers(void)
OSErr err;
// the first time we're called, create routine descriptors for our Apple event handlers
if (_weUpdateActiveInputAreaHandler == NULL)
_weUpdateActiveInputAreaHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(_WEHandleUpdateActiveInputArea);
_wePositionToOffsetHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(_WEHandlePositionToOffset);
_weOffsetToPositionHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(_WEHandleOffsetToPosition);
// install Apple Event handlers to be used by Text Service components
if ((err = AEInstallEventHandler(kTextServiceClass, kUpdateActiveInputArea, _weUpdateActiveInputAreaHandler, 0, false)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = AEInstallEventHandler(kTextServiceClass, kPos2Offset, _wePositionToOffsetHandler, 0, false)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = AEInstallEventHandler(kTextServiceClass, kOffset2Pos, _weOffsetToPositionHandler, 0, false)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// clear result code
err = noErr;
// return result code
return err;
pascal OSErr WERemoveTSMHandlers(void)
OSErr err;
// return an error code if WEInstallTSMHandlers has never been called
if (_weUpdateActiveInputAreaHandler == NULL)
return errAEHandlerNotFound;
// remove the handlers
if ((err = AERemoveEventHandler(kTextServiceClass, kUpdateActiveInputArea, _weUpdateActiveInputAreaHandler, false)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = AERemoveEventHandler(kTextServiceClass, kPos2Offset, _wePositionToOffsetHandler, false)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
if ((err = AERemoveEventHandler(kTextServiceClass, kOffset2Pos, _weOffsetToPositionHandler, false)) != noErr)
goto cleanup;
// clear result code
err = noErr;
// clear result code
return err;
} // WERemoveTSMHandlers